Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ride the Rhythm

Didn't get up and walk this morning as it was a notch worse than freezing, instead did a 45 minute "Long Slow Distance" type run on the treader and trained shoulders, the only body part that is not sore!

Military DB press 4 x15
Upright row on BOSU 4 x15
Diamond lat raise 4 x15
Shoulder scoops 4 x 15

Not much to report except that I am still feeling dreadfully homesick. Everything up here seems like such a struggle - but I am keeping on keeping on. Have been organizing bikini design with Jo today - she is going to stone my blue suit and I'm really looking forward to seeing what she comes up with.

Two personal training clients this afternoon, then I am officially done and dusted!


Splice said...

Jo is a clever gal isn't she? I saw her last Saturday and picked out a bikini.
Yours sounds like its going to sparkle :-)
Being home sick must be make things more challenging for you. I hope you get through it all soon.

LizN said...


It's so good to see you! How are you doing. I can't wait to hear about your bikini as well! Have you chosen music yet?
Big hugs
Liz :)

Ali said...

How exciting! organising the stoning of your comp suit.

Homesickness is not nice, hang in there, your doing great!

Ali xx

Andrea said...

Liz - Not long to go and it will be the end of the year and hopefully you will be able to come back.
Turns out that I am still a fitness first member so I will be able to get my body combat fix after all!

Sam D-M said...

Hey Liz,

I am working with Jo at the moment on my costumes too.... isnt it exciting! I love leaving it mostly up to her to surprise me :-)

Sounds like your workout rocked!! :0


LizN said...

Hi Ali,

Thanks for dropping by. It's great to have such nice internet mates!

Andj, glad you are sticking with FF - I need someone to cane when I come back and teach RPM in September. Hopefully I can come home next year - fingers crossed.

Hi Sam - think the suit part is exciting. I just wish I was more confident in my posing but I guess that will come :)

Liz :)