Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Post cardio potatoes!

I've been participating in an interesting discussion about carb depletion today and my point of view is "don't do it!" - invariably you get very depleted and bingo! start compensating to replenish glycogen stores.

That is why having some potato post cardio works really well for me. I replenish glycogen stores and walk around feeling sane, not starving.

Today has required a lot of time adjustments - extra PT client today which has infringed on my planned shoulder workout - I am thankful though for my clients as they are paying for me to go to Melbourne.

Today's training: 50 mins cardio (long slow distance 40 mins and 10 mins of explosive rower intervals - that's why those taters came in handy today :)


Splice said...

I second that!!
Carbs are so very important for energy and recovery.
Great post Liz :-)

LizN said...

Thanks gorgeous girl :)