Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Either-Or Scenario

Today has been a variation on the "Either - Or " syndrome that many of us go through in terms of exercise or eating well. David describes it very well in the Leanness Lifestyle book - often we are either all or nothing. The Leanness Lifestyle teaches us to work within the all or nothing continuum - for example, today I didn't get in as much training as I would have liked with the inlaws here, but I still did something. I've eaten well 95% of the time. In my book that still means that I am ahead of the game.

Training today:
walk in freeze :)
teach Spin class 45mins
Shoulders + abs 25 mins
Behind neck barbell press 4 x10
Ab crunch on ball (focusing on upper ab area) 4 x 12
Lateral raise - diamond lat raise giant set 4 x12
Ab planks on ball 3 x 30 sec hold
Upright row/shoulder scoop giant set 4 x12
Reverse crunch 1 x8
Practice abdo/thigh pose

What else - feeling a bit concerned that I am not leaning out fast enough. I'm not going to throw a hissy fit about it - just make a few subtle changes and not panic. I can do this and treat my body lovingly at the same time :)

1 comment:

Ali said...

Georgia and her cousin Connor are gorgeous!! That is just a great pic isn’t it?

Liz it is inspirational to read a day in your life, it is amazing what people accomplish throughout their days. You have a great attitude!

Ali xxx