Tuesday, February 27, 2007

New toys!

Like everyone else who blogs here, I am partial to a new toy or two. I decided that after my last Polar heart rate monitor died (from overuse) that it was time to invest in a new one! I scored myself a lovely blue F-11, which I cannot wait to try out. When the delivery guy came I was in the middle of doing a new workout, "Step Boxing" by Kelley Coffey Meyer. Boy, I don't think this fella knew what to think when he saw sweaty moi at the front door.

But back to Kelley's workout - this one I really enjoyed. I must admit I was apprehensive about it, because I have heard wildly conflicting opinions about it - once I got used to Kelley's style of cueing, it was "game on".

I also did p90x Chest, Shoulders and Triceps - I had never done this one either and I was sorely humbled - one armed push ups (I had to do these on my knees) and clap plyo pushups figured in the mix. Then I ran 100 metres up and down the road outside for 20 minutes. I cannot leave the house because with hubs being away, I do not want to leave my kids unattended. Jogging up the road and sprinting back ensured that I could see the house at all times and I still got my workout in.

I had breakfast the Precision Nutrition way and added peanut butter to my oats and protein powder. It aint half bad with chocolate!


redcat said...

Glad you enjoyed Step-Boxing. It wasn't for me but I think that was a mental thing. You might enjoy her NYC; she has some unique exercises/combos. I thought it light in the leg department but still fine for certain days (and one can always make things more difficult, if one wants to!), so I've held on to it.

Ooo, and oats, peanut butter, and chocolate protein powder is da bomb! I add some cinnamon as well. Yum!

Flea said...

I want one toooo!