Monday, July 24, 2006

Knowing then what you know now...

Aarrgh, found out today why I have been such a crab-pot - attack of TOM - to think I must have been PMSing all of last week and I missed it :) No wonder I have been feeling so bloated and generally psycho (now all I need to do is find an appropriate pic to match the mood!). Hopefully I will be rewarded by a nice post TOM weight/fat whoosh :)

Got up early and went for my walk under the stars - I have to be up at 5am if I am to fit this in and I find it a great time to meditate and focus on my goals. Then it was off to the freezer box for a nice hard run and some bicep/chest training. I've decided to throw in some volume work and I was dying after my 4 sets of 15 reps on the bench press. Once I hit the incline I was laughing at the fact that I was working so hard I had eventually stripped the weights off the bar until the bar was all that was left. Whoever said that small weights weren't effective...hee hee.

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