Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Flu

Update of the day is that my cold has developed into flu like symptoms, so total rest day for me. Lots of fresh vegetables and fruit today and telling myself that "this too shall pass".


Splice said...

Hope you get over this flu soon.


Kimmy said...

Hi Liz - hope you are feeling better real soon. Maybe it is your body telling you to take a rest :)
I am going to see Jo Rogers next week - I am so looking forward to it as i am not doing to well with my poses and routine :)
Get better soon.

Jodi said...

Remember your words liz - you wanted more muscle definition - more muscle = more weight...you know that gril ;-) Don't stress about it you will definately drop the body fat that your concerned about.....you definately look alot leaner in the comparison photos.....:-)

Hope your flu goes away really quickly and doesn't affect your training....sending good vibes your way!!!!

Andrea said...

Hey chicken,
I just saw your post about crystals on Rae's blog. There is a great place at west end called the Bead and Trimming co. Biggest range and cheapest in Brisbane that I know of.