Monday, June 25, 2007

Ooh yes, it's all about me!

Ever have those times where you feel like you are running around like a headless chicken and are so busy spending time with everyone else, that you find you're not spending enough time on yourself?

This last week, I've really let my workouts and nutrition slide, only getting in one good RT session, as I think I taught a class every day this week, except for Tuesday. So far this week, I have three RPM classes on the table and I'm going to build my week around those. I taught five RPM classes, including a "High Performance" class and one Bodystep.

I spent yesterday afternoon prepping a whole lot of meals and it was a great feeling to pull my post workout meal out of the freezer this morning and not wonder "what the hell am I going to eat?" It is kangaroo chilli, brown rice and a plethora of vegetables which should fill me up nicely.

My weekly plan is:

Monday: Teach RPM, lower body stretching on foam roller
Tuesday: Run, Weights A
Wednesday: RPM, Weights B
Thursday: Run, Weights C
Friday: Teach RPM, lower body stretching/core work
Saturday: OFF
Sunday: Teach RPM

Off now to get ready for a busy, busy week. Lots of programs to write today!

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