Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Scrambled eggs and connections

This morning I did Cathe's Bodymax 2 premix called "Scrambled Eggs" which was mainly cardio with some extra leg drills thrown in. It certainly didn't disappoint - my HR stats were very impressive - 714 kcal burnt, max HR 161, average 143. I don't tend to take much notice of the stats but they are very fun to read post workout! I am planning another visit to the Room of Requirement tomorrow after I do some Yoga and RPM/Spinervals. I'm thinking of taking out the Spinervals Core Conditioning tape for a nice (!) change.

Now where was I in regards to connections? Yes, I have an ITB that is playing up which is probably related to my SIJ problems. I gave it a stretch on my foam roller this morning. Yipes, that bit! I'm actually looking forward to doing some Yoga tomorrow morning.

I'm going to make some more kangaroo lasagna tonight and I am going to give kangaroo chili con carne a test run. The girls love chili and so do I. This should work out to be uber lean and will go down a treat with a small side of rice and some steamed veggies. I was lucky that the veggie truck had hit the local store today and I bought up big :)

I learnt that yesterday's temps reached 42 degrees C. No wonder I have been feeling so hot :)

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