Sunday, January 03, 2010

I should be grateful

I should be grateful that Miss G likes my modified tuna burgers but it was a case of "leave some for me, that's Monday and Wednesday's lunch!". As I mentioned in my last post it was time to "just do it" and work out an entire week of meals for the family.

As I like to fly by the seat of my pants with most meals - probably because after all these years, I'm in a cooking rut, it felt like I was chained to the computer as I slaved away on my spreadsheet. Why the organization? My reasons aren't to do with comp prep or anything like that - I am hoping that I spend less on my weekly groceries - my tendency is to run out to the shops at the last minute and pick up dinner stuff as well as other items that "I think we may need" (aka stuff that we DON'T need).

As well as the lamb cutlets I made, I also did a really nice chilli, made a new version of the Paleo Tuna Burgers I blogged about last year as well as create a special something for Shelley and Nicole. Nicole gave me the best 40th presents, some chocolates she had melted into the shape of a male member (she also has boob moulds I am told!). Well, it was great because my husband who can't keep his hands off chocolate, could not come at licking these phallic treats. I think that it's the only chocolate that I've been given that I was able to eat all by myself in my own good time!

Here's the recipe for Tuna Burgers, not quite Paleo, but taste better in my opinion.

One big can of tuna in springwater, thoroughly drained
1/4 cup of linseeds/flax seeds partially ground
dash of teriyaki marinade
one onion in very fine dice (I used food processor)
1 egg
2 tablespoons unprocessed bran
3 tablespoons oats (partially ground)

Mix everything together and compress into egg rings or burger moulds. Cook and slide out of moulds. This lot made 7 decent sized patties.

Guess who's having tuna burgers and a big fat salad tomorrow for lunch???


Shaboom said...

Burgers sound yummy Liz! Will have to give them a go. You are sounding very organised with your meal plan. Hope it makes a difference with the shopping bill. Food is sooo expensive isn't it!! Have you tried online shopping? I find I don't tend to buy as much when I shop online.

ss2306 said...

Lovin' that bran aren't ya?

Owww, can't wait for the special something.

See you tomorrow for ebaying.