Tuesday, January 01, 2008

More about the road I'm travelling

We had a fantastic New Year's celebration last night and I am reporting that the curries were fabulous, though rather rich. However my first goal is to start cooking some of the recipes in "Gourmet Nutrition" which came from Precision Nutrition ( www.precisionnutrition.com ) last week. I've been racking my brains trying to think of new goals and plans and have been flip flopping around in a pit of indecision.
I know I wrote about my plans in my previous post, but I'm still work in progress there.
About the book: I'd like to write a book about how to "live lean and love life" from the Liz perspective. I have been immensely fortunate to have worked with such a wide variety of clients and friends who have taught me so much about this from so many different angles. I'd like to be able to show others that living lean and loving life is within everyone's reach. Yes, it requires discipline and hard work, but nothing that is good comes easy.
About my fitness goals: As I have previously posted, I have been considering having abdominal repair surgery to fix up my separated abdominals (diastasis) as a result of having a very large baby. I have been doing a lot of research and speaking to a lot of other health professionals and it does seem that having this surgery done will go a long way in helping me with the stability problems that have plagued me for the last 7-8 years. I don't have appointments with the surgeon/s until February and late March though. So....my current plan is to continue to raise the bar as much as I can with both strength training and my cardiovascular fitness. I have been very pleased with Mike's work and have learnt a lot from him. I was amazed to look in the mirror today and see a lot of hamstring growth as a result of really focusing on the posterior chain. Cardio wise, I am enjoying a good level of fitness right now - my aim being to be as tough as old boots (aka unstoppable) on the bike. I am also restarting Clinical pilates in preparation for the surgery, should I go ahead. Leanness wise, I am hanging around the 60-61kg mark - I feel my best at 57-58kg so my aim is to start nudging off a little body fat this month.
About my coaching/teaching goals: My aim is quality, not quantity with clients. I am taking on fewer clients this year because I want to give the ones that I already have a higher level of service. I have really enjoyed being on the coaching end of things this year and want to continue to develop my skills in this area. On the teaching side of things, I love teaching my classes and enjoy all of the friendships I've made at the gym immensely. I had such a great time doing RPM this afternoon and feel so lucky to enjoy things so much.
About my family and personal goals: I want to become a "Tuckshop Mum With Triceps" this year - my baby is going to school and I want to spend a little time doing something for both of my girls at school. I can't leave out my DH though - I'd like to spend more time having fun with him too.
Wow, that has turned into rather a ramble.
I'll just post my training stats for the day:
Run: rolling fartlek (yes, I want to snigger every time I post this word!) run 20 minutes
Iron Work: mobilization/stretches: Romanian Deadlifts 3 x 10, Front Plate Squat 3 x 10
RPM HiPerformance (John E) 55 minutes.


Combat Girl said...

You are a woman on a mission and you will succeed!

So we will both have our babies at school this year. I am trying to get mine to change her mind so she can stay home with me. I have offered to home teach but she refuses. My eldest actually said she would be happy to stay homeLOL!

Glad to hear your NYE went smoothly.

Talk tomorrow
Combat girl

Anonymous said...

i am excited to hear of your progress with these goals throughout 2008... :)

your book sounds wonderful and i would love to hear about your various clients and above all, the tips you have for a healthy life :)

i hope i am one of the "quality not quantity" this year hehe - i am so excited about teaming up with you and making a go of it! bring it on!!!


Charlotte Orr said...

Hi Liz,
Happy New Year! Your dinner sounded lovely.
Best wishes for achieving your goals this year.

redcat said...

Rolling fartlek (*giggle*) is one of my favorite types of run, too. :) But I did a hill run today to welcome in 2008, since I love that route to bits.

Happy New Year! Your plans look fantastic and ambitious.

Best always,

Cassandra Forsythe said...

Glad you had a great New years Liz!

I added you to my blog! Glad you get to know you! :)

Raechelle said...

Wow-quite the year ahead...the book idea sounds wonderful!
What is "rolling fartlek run"?
That's a totally new one for me!
Good luck with your plans for the year! I'll be watching!

Miss Positive said...

Happy new year Liz! Sounds like you're going to have a busy one, I love the sound of your book!

Hilary xx

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful NYE.

Love the sound of all your plans for 2008, it will be a busy and fantastic year by the sounds of things.

Magda said...

Hi Liz,

my "baby" goes to school this year too :-)

Hope you have an awesome year and achieve all your goals. I'm looking forward to cashing in on your "better quality" training (LOL) and hope to make you proud.



Em said...

It sounds to me like you are very well planned and organised hun :) Keep at it:)
I look forward to reading your progress in the new year hun i am especially looking forward to your book :)
Have a great week hun:)

RaeC said...

Hehehe... "fartlek"... hehehe!! Funny how certain things can bring out the juvenile delinquent in me... LMAO!!

Thank God for coaches like you and mine who are less about the money they can make and more about the difference they can make to their athlete's lives. I admire you both so much.

Have a great night xxx

leslie said...

Fartlek cracks me up every time too!

Hope the fam is healthy soon.