Monday, May 28, 2007

Good quote for the day!

"It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing."

I love this quote - if you live with passion, as Kimmy (from Blogland) suggests, life is so much more fulfilling.

I've enjoyed a well deserved rest day - I knew as soon as I rolled out of bed this morning that some down time was needed, so I've spent the day writing programs, sending emails and paying bills.

Tomorrow I have the panel interview that was deferred from last week and I have to work out how I am going to fit in live personal training, my own training and all the online work I am doing. The last thing I want is to spread myself too thin. My game plan is to work Tuesday through to Saturday and take Sunday/Monday off. From next week I am teaching RPM on Monday mornings at Toowong, but it's still going to be a nice cruisey admin day.

What else? Time to race off and cook dinner - it's gotta come from somewhere and as I've mentioned before, I'm not as much of a planner as I should be when it comes to dinners etc.

1 comment:

A Prelude To... said...

Great quote, Liz -
"It's not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing."

Trying to live my life that way these days. Makes a huge difference.

Julie A. in OR