Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The shit hits the fan....

Arrgh. I am currently caught up in a vortex of being blindsided by the Woop Woop Warehouse, where I've decided to take indefinite leave of absence. It's going to be fun now actually training without a gym to train in. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, right?

I'm also having major leanness issues. Even though I think I look good for real life, I am simply not competition ready and stressing out big time. The above photo I took this morning. At least I still have 17 days to make a few changes, but I think I will be too soft on comp day. Where is my cry baby emoticon when I need it?

Anyway, I'm going to train on my bike this morning and do shoulders. I have enough weights/resistance to put together a decent effort so it's "hi-ho, off we go"


Jodi said...

Liz I think you have fog goggles on!!!! I think you are looking very lean for 17 days out. I know I haven't competed myself but I have see endless photos etc and to me you are looking every bit as lean as other competitors I have seen.

Your bi's and delts are looking very shaply, your leg definition (separation in muscles) is very noticeably considering your not tanned up (in my opinion they are looking hot hot hot!) and I can't see any fat on your tummy!!!

Are you sending photos to your trainer? Are you getting an experts opinion? Are you having someone experienced to talk to about your concerns? I know I can not say much to change your fears but you are really looking sensational in my opinion. I am sure Lia and Deb would back me on that one (and lots of others!)

Anyway I hope you are feeling little better next time I drop in. Keep your chin up, your hard work definately shows in your bod.

Splice said...

Holy Cow!! Check out your arms and shoulders and your quads!!
Im not sure what you are worring about girlfriend :-), You (too me) look like your right on track. You still have 17 days to go and I imagine that should be plenty of time for you seeing you are lean.

Why don't you shoot a picture off to JD and see what he says? Just to put your mind at ease.


P.s. I can't get over the biceps!!

Maraina said...

WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW, WOW! I am gobbsmacked!

God look at your butt and hammies! Love your lats, delts and bi's! Whoooo hoooo girl! Fabulous.

I'VE GOT MAJOR issues with leaning down! Solution? Keep pounding my jelly wobbles off on the road!

Keep up the great work. Can't wait to see you.


LizN said...

Oh girls, it's so great to come here and see such supportive comments. I can't wait to meet you all either!

I sent these photos to my Coach (Dave Greenwalt) this morning and he told me that I was "smokin" (with an American accent that is hard to beat) and to keep the foot pressed down. I was telling him my biggest concern was the 2kg difference from this stage last time. That has been what has been doing my head in.

Plus this business of not having a gym to train in anymore! I'm sad, yet kind of relieved.

You guys are simply the best. Thank you for picking me up when I've been feeling down. Let me know if I can ever do the same for you.

Liz N

Splice said...

I just had to come back to see if you are ok. And im soooo very pleased you are!
Its amazing what other people can see that you can't.
Keep at it Liz your not smokin, your on fire :-)

P.s. You have done the same for me, we are all a team here :-)

Jodi said...

Glad we could offer some support. I am sure your coach said the weight difference would be muscle would know that liz!!! You muscles have definately grown so of course you have to weigh a little more!

Very happy to see that you a feeling a bit better....I too like deb just had to check in and see if you were ok.

Rachel said...

Liz you are looking great and on track and I KNOW DG wouldn;t BS you and tells you straight! I just went back and had a look at some of the photos from the April comp and you are looking great for 17 days out. Look at your bis and shoulders, not to mention your chest and legs. Now your back in Bris can you get a one month gym membership until the comp? I know you will do what it takes!!!!