Tuesday, November 14, 2006

"P"s, love and understanding

I chose this little motivator today because I was tickled by all the "p" words. However, when you look at it more closely, those "four steps to achievement" seem pretty spot on. I was reflecting on the "prayerful" aspect as I was out walking this morning. I love my morning walks as they help clear my mind and prepare me for the day ahead. Being prayerful can also involve being more meditative and taking the time to be reflective about life really helps me as my mind tends to race at a million miles most of the time.

Today I am sorting out moving stuff. It looks like we move again on Monday, but I cannot be sure yet as the relo consultant has not got back to us. DH is not perturbed, but I'm a gal who likes to plan so this is not good.

I went for a run yesterday and did an abbreviated chest workout - I have DOMS again this morning!


Ali said...

Good luck with all things moving. I really don't like moving, I hoard things, very bad habbit I know :)

Sounds like your managing to train hard, great to hear.

take care,


Splice said...

The "p's" are very true!

I just wanted to wish you all the best with your move, I hope it all goes smoothly.

It seems as though your workouts are still top notch if you are experiencing DOMS, that fantastic :-).

Make sure you get logged on to the internet asap at your new home so we can see how things are progressing.


P.s. Also keep in mind that you can call me anytime ;-)

LizN said...

Thanks Ali and Deb, I think doing a bit of exercise is what keeps me feeling normal. I really hope I can get broadband where we end up. It is going to be touch and go!

Liz ;)