Pumped out a great training session with Miss Shelley which involved 5 sets of incline bench presses done cluster style and 5 sets of pull ups done cluster style as well. It hurt like hell, and my shoulder complained. I complain to my physio and she says "Liz, your shoulder is 40 years old now and isn't going to always work perfectly". "Bah!" I think. Then it was onto dumbbell bench presses (I love going flat, Shelley likes her angles - we both got something yesterday) as well as rows and some biceps work. The whole thing took us just over an hour and we didn't stop. The weird thing is that even though I was pretty much hammered after the session, I'm only a tad sore this morning. Aaah, the joys of adaptation!
Then had a birthday party for Miss G at the park with 14 squealing seven year olds. After a few musk sticks too many and playing pass the parcel and all those other good party games, I really didn't feel like dinner, so I skipped it.
This morning RPM Hi Performance - good solid whacker of a class, found it tough going and very relieved that all of my participants felt the same way!
Now off to see Harry Potter again with Miss S and her friend (belated birthday present) and then we are having pizza after that.
After my birthday celebrations all week and pizza tonight, no doubt I shall be craving vegetables and fresh fruit and ready to hit some clean eating again.
Good luck to all the competitors for the INBA show tomorrow. I am still in conflict over competing - sometimes I want to and then as the wise Ferny P says "who wants to spend their life eating out of f*ckin Tupperware containers" (this quote should be immortal, don't you think?) At the moment, living lean and loving life is right where I want (and need to be)
I have been doing allot of yelling at my shoulder these days too...telling her that just because I was born 42 years ago does not mean she needs to act like she's 42 years old!
I'm working very hard at pampering the b***h because I really do want to compete next year.
double BAH to the physio!!! :-)
Enjoy the pizza. And I agree on the shoulder - bah! Age is no excuse, dammit. I just want a body that WORKS.
you and Shelley are kicking A$$ liz and sounds like you are in a good place. hell, if you ever do decide to compete again the muscles will be there waiting! hehe, like that tupperware quote- im looking forward to cutting back on that too!
Indeed - friends don't let friends lift pussy weights.
hahaha i must admit i still use tupperware every day and take lunch to work - it just consists of LOTS of various colourful vege's, fruit, nuts and seeds.... :)
With you Liz - lifting HEAVY is so fricken appealing - i am LOVING it.....strong bitches rule xxx
This is my first time to your blog and I am intrigued! As a personal trainer, I love to see what other fitness professionals are up to and how we can all help each other better the world through fitness. Way to eat pizza and stay super lean and strong!!
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