Who remembers the "A-Team", way back when. This is where one of my favourite quotes comes in " I love it when a plan comes together!"
I've been wrestling for awhile with the concept of getting the old work life balance right for me - like many of us, I've been trying to find what I want to say YES to because as DG tells me, saying "yes" to something means saying "no" to something else. I have a tendency to allow myself to become really overloaded, trying to help so many people out that anything I do of value gets diluted.
I've been to-ing and fro-ing in my mind about what exactly I wanted to do when suddenly a few ideas hit me and I started feeling genuinely excited about "what could be" down the track.
Without sounding too mysterious, I'm planning on revamping and changing the nature of my coaching business over the next few months - I've been mulling over this for awhile now - so watch this space as I make some changes!
I also mentioned a few months ago changing over to Wordpress - this I am going to put into action shortly, so like Miss Katie, I'm going to try and do some blog renovation.
Thirdly, even if I am asked, I am not going to do any more pharmacy locums than what I am already doing. I need to set my boundaries more. Family and fitness first for me.
Fourthly, I really want to take my strength training up to a new level. I have been having a wonderful time training with Shelley and it's really motivating seeing both of us improving - I've always been a real loner on the training front (due to previous training experiences where I'd get really annoyed with my training partner for not pushing hard enough etc) and it is just so fantastic that we're in sync when it comes to our goals of being lean and superfit chicks as well as being f*ckin massive, all rolled into one.
Hmm, what else? The house building started officially this week. Our land, which was barren on Monday has turned into a hive of activity over the last week with the footings for the slab going down and the water tank going in (we got one of those nifty 'buried' jobs), on today's brief inspection, there were several pallets of bricks on the block. The slab is going to be elevated just over a metre in parts to allow us to maximize the views of the city (yes, we've got city views, am I excited much?).
Lots going on! Work-life balance is something I'm desperately trying to work on at the moment too!
Go boss!!!!
Glad Miss G is on the mend too.
Hey Dizzy Lizzy
My best piece of advice when undertaking a blog renovation is to copy your old blog by using File | Save Page As | Web Page COMPLETE.
You get a copy of your page plus a folder with all your widgets and photos in it.
The other thing I did was make a list of all the sections I had and then crossed them off as I re-installed them.
Good luck - it is fun and hair-raising! Looking forward to hearing about your new plans.
I am looking forward to seeing two uber lean muscle chicks!! Sounds like some plans, stan!
Oh yes...I remember the A-Team, and I love reading about all your plans and work-life balance stuff, and yes...that your plans are coming together! :-) Ain't life grand?!
I do remember the A-Team! I think your plan for balancing life and work is great. It's so important to plan.
By the way, converting a blogspot blog to wordpress is totally easy. It will bring in your posts, pictures and comments! (Always back-up first!)
You are amazing!
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