Wow, what a weekend! There was so much going on I almost don't know where to begin, but I'll start with the purpose of my visit to Melbourne - to support the three girls I prepped for the INBA All Female Classic.
The weekend started on Friday when I met Shannon and her hubby Lins at the airport for our 11am flight down to Melbourne - was a pretty uneventful flight and I enjoyed my Virgin Chicken Caesar Wrap (I have this on every Virgin flight I take..yes, I know I'm weird, I like aircraft food) on the way down. We checked into our hotel, which was located in Chinatown, and then went in search of food and a place for Shannon to get her nails done. Once we had sorted Lins out with a steak, it was time to go home for another coat of Contest Colour and meal of sweet potato, veggies and chicken for Shannon.
Then it was time to polish up the routine. Shannon and I are very similar in that we are pretty laid back and often leave such details until the last minute.
So we started and Shannon said:
"I was thinking of this.. I'm not sure, " to which I then jumped off the couch faster than Tom Cruise and said:
"we need to walk in 2-3-4 and side chest 6-7-8 and then left hand, right hand, front double bicep and then TRICEP!!!! (Did you hear I said tricep!)."
Before we knew it, we'd put together a spiffy little routine interspersed with some Indian takeaway that had a less than positive effect on my bowels, but nevermind. Practised in our PJs, the only way to do a routine! Made up my mind to tell Jo Rogers I was a serious threat to her routine business..not!
Off to bed then and on Saturday morning we parted company and Shannon went off to meet Selina and get her hair done and I went off to Fitness First in Richmond for the 7.15am High Performance RPM where I caned my workout and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Then I had breakfast at a French Boulangerie (I don't muck around when I go away lol!) and jumped on a tram to St Kilda, eventually finding my way to the venue around 11am where I met the beautiful Casey and stunning Selina.
Casey and I have been training together online since January, met up in Sydney in April and I couldn't believe the transformation between then and Saturday. Fan- bloody-tastic! Casey won the "Best Routine" in her division, in my opinion it was one of the best routines of the night. Met her partner Lee for the first time as well, what a great bloke. Case, well done! Very proud of you!
Selina and Shannon both stepped on stage for Intermediate Figure. This was fantastic as both girls had so much fun together on stage! I was trying my best to be fair in my cheering "go Selina, go Shannon!" when I realized it was much easier to yell, "go Team S!!!!! go the sistas!" Both girls looked amazing - Selina's abs were sensational and Shannon's back was, in Lins' words, "BOOM!!!!"
Preliminaries over, we headed to Malvern with Kate and Linda (Mighty Mouse). I really enjoyed spending time with both of these girls - I cannot believe that Miss Mouse only had her daughter a year ago (I was about 35kg heavier post preg, so I was suitably impressed) and we had a great chat over scrambled eggs on toast and a hot chocolate to boot! Kate was fantastic as I asked her to watch my bag, hold my Dream Tan etc etc (sorry I was such a bossy boots Kate!). I even got to slap up Linda for the evening show! At my side during the whole backstage slapping, lolly dispensing pre stage prepping was Kerryn who kindly let little Miss Doubting THomas Liz try her Banana Paleo Pancake. OMG, sensational, is all I can say - guess who is now churning these little rippers out like the clappers? lol.
The evening show was great fun with all of my girls winning or placing in something (Case, best routine; Selina 3rd and Shannon 1st) - I must say I left with a rather swollen ego on Saturday night - went home and cleaned up and then we all headed to Lygon Street for Pizza and Koko Black (as you do after a show!) . What a great evening I had with everyone!
Big sleep and pancakes with Lins and Shannon on Sunday morning in a little "alley" cafe and then we headed off to Bridge Road for a spot of shopping (both Shannon and I scored a top and jacket each...yahoo) and then it was back into the CBD to catch up with Kerryn and Selina for lunch (as well as Shannon's sister, Kelly and her boyfriend, Ross). I bought a fantastic pair of boots from Nine West.
It was all over too soon - off to the airport and back home (but not before I bought two handbags from the airport in Melbourne..Shannon and Shelley have corrupted me - I am going to buy one of Shelley's bags for sure...now I just have to go out every five minutes.)
There's so much to say - so nice to catch up with everyone (Magda, Lia, Rae, Jeh, Friday, LJ, Kerry, Sara, Jo....just to name a few)
Great to hear you had a wowser of a time Liz! congrats to you as coach. You sound absolutely stoked at the results, as you should be! There's some great pics too all round. Spotted quite a via Lindy Olsen's FB pics.
WHAT?? You doubted the fantasticality (is so a word!) of my Paleo pancakes?
Congrats again on a very successful show. It was a lot of fun being on the giving end of the slapping. ;o)
Sounds like you had an awesome time, and all the girls looked fantastic!!
Love the sound of those bargains on Bridge Road too, jealous!!
Hilary xx
You should be very proud coach, the girls looked fantastic under your guidance..........I plan to get there one day too with your help
Kerryn, I didn't believe anything so simple could taste so darn good! Yum.
Thanks Kerry and Hils!
Hey DOri, I'm looking forward to it, book me in!
Congrats Liz!! The girls look stunning.
Red wine hey? Yes I believe that could work ;-)
Did you say red wine is good for muscles?
Where do I sign?
Congrats to the girls, they looked brilliant!!
Awesome to meet you...
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