Sunday, October 12, 2008

Riding, not hiding!

I've checked my diary for this week. Oh boy, it's going to be a busy one culminating in the INBA Nationals at the end of the week. I'm scheduling some training this week - I felt like I'd turned a corner on Saturday and I want to keep the momentum going - so I'm teaching RPM tomorrow and doing more upper body weights. It's all slow but it's definitely happening!

I did a Shelley this morning and nearly kicked the scales across the room, uttering "f*ckers!" (every time I think of this I just want to laugh until I cannot laugh any more) but I was expecting a temporary increase in reading after having a rather delicious treat meal of homemade pizza and TWO Skinny Cows (I had to try each flavour right?)

I'm sure I will have better news to report on that front in a day or two...


little rene said...

Absolutely LOVE your Dirty Diana post Liz! You articulated exactly what I think SO well!

You must be one AWESOME trainer!

I too almost threw the scales today! Can't wait for the bloat to disappear from my awesome weekend

I also don't know how I am going to manage to go back to school NOT wearing my beloved slippers that I have lived in at home since Maya was born ;)

Lisa said...

Hey hey,

When can I sit in on your RPM class and get my PLer's butt kicked??