Sunday, August 27, 2006

Not happy, Jan

Definitely having a "Not Happy, Jan" moment on Friday - here I am 6.5 weeks out 56kg and feeling majorly stressed that I'm not leaning out fast enough - so other competitors, if you are reading this, please come and be brutal and excuse my sucky front pose. Actually taking the photos did inspire me to pull the ol' finger out and knuckle down a bit more, which I suppose is why taking progress photos is actually a good thing. All I could think of after I took them was how panicky I am feeling this time around and don't feel like I'm physically ready. Maybe all of Josh's photo talk was getting to me... agggh.

Anyway, the weekend has been good - we went to Sizzler in Rocky for lunch yesterday and I stayed away from the apple pie and icecream and thought about the photos that I am so not happy with. Good leverage.


Splice said...

I don't know what your stressing about Liz.
You still have 6 weeks remaining and you are coming in right on target.
Just keep at it, you will be fine :-)

LizN said...

Hi Deb,

I think I am stressing because this prep has been so much different to the last - so much more challenging in the environment I find myself in. But I will keep on keeping on no matter what!

Liz ;)

Splice said...

Great attitude Liz, that's why I keep coming back.
I know it must be difficult not being in your comfort zone. Everything is new for you right now and you are tring to settle in and do a comp at the same time.
I still think your doing really well.