Monday, November 06, 2006

Plans and ideas

Got in a 30 minute run this morning and did an abbreviated chest and back workout - push/pull supersets.

Rope Pulldown to Front: 4 x 12
Machine Chest Press: 4 x12
Wide grip pull up with pronated grip: yowsa - 2 x 6, 2 x 5 (assisted by my own bad self :) )
Flat dumbbell flye: 4 x12

I've been trying to come up with some new plans and tentatively I am thinking of this as a rough plan.

My goals are to improve my glutes and keep adding size to my back, shoulders and chest.

November, December, February - January sees me back home and on holidays at the beach - definitely running and surfing as much as I can!

p90x Home Workout ( check it out on ) - I'm going to do it in tandem with a few of my American cyber buddies - should be fun. I will supplement it with one day per week of heavy upper body training and perhaps extra glute work. My cardio will be swimming, running, step or my new Cathe's - bring on Drillmax!

In February I am going to hook up with a good mate in Brisbane and do some adventure racing and I am thinking of doing the SportsModel division at the Girl Thing titles - want to stay relatively lean, but don't want to go all the way into action to achieve Figure bodyfat levels for awhile. Plus, wearing a dress could be fun!

July, I'm thinking of running the Gold Coast Half Marathon if family commitments are in my favour. Then I'm hoping to compete again in Figure in October - circumstances, training and geography working with me :) in a positive fashion!

I'm also looking into getting my abdominals repaired, so if I decide to go that route, then the above is really just we shall see.

I've had a lovely rest but it's all system go with more cardio training and "bringing it" with the "X"!


Miss Positive said...

Wow Liz, sounds like you've got it all worked out! Awesome to have a plan for the year ahead - probably something I should do!

Enjoy kicking your training up a gear!

Hilary xx

little rene said...

Wow Liz

You are a very organised and motivated person!

Is it rude to ask exactly how do you get you abdominals repaired? If this is a rude question or too personal please just ignore it :)

It's just that my sister gave birth to twins and has been on an amazing body re-shaping journey and I know this is an area (abs)that she often complains about.



LizN said...

Hi Hilary and Rene!

I'm trying to be organized - it will be interesting to see what I've completed this time next year though.

Rene, by abdo repair I mean getting my diastasis repaired - this is where the rectus abdominus breaks away from the linea alba in the middle during pregnancy. For most it isn't a problem as it closes (but not completely) after giving birth but when you have big babies (or twins), the separation can be really pronounced. Only way of improving it is by plastic surgery. I have a lot of excess skin as well but having had a lot of trouble with surgery in the past am approaching it with great caution.

Liz ;)