Here I am 15 or 14 weeks out from INBA Queensland Championships depending how you look at it. I say 14 weeks because to me, the final 7 days doesn't you should have "arrived" in the leanness stakes by then. I'm heavier at this stage than I was last time and I must admit nerves creeping in...can I do this again? Was competing the first time really a fluke? Plus I have the challenge of the remote location!
Anyway, trained really well today - went for my early morning walk - I don't hurry, rather just enjoy the fresh air 80mins; run easy 35 mins
Chin ups 4 x 6 (ouch!)
Deadlifts with glute emphasis 3 x10
Lat Pull down to front, varying grips: 4 x 8
Seated row (narrow) 4 x9/8/7
BOSU planks
hyperextensions with glute emphasis
Dips 4 x8
Tricep push down with my own rope rigged up to machine 2 x10
Hi Liz
I say you are looking good and will have no problem with 14/15 weeks to go - Did you read Sam's blog - go thru my blog if you haven't got her on your list - you will get a lot from it.
Quick question - I am getting everyone's opinion as to how to tan - whether to wax or shave etc etc when to do it and how - everything cause I have no idea.
Can you tell me what you did and what you used, did you spray, did you use dream tan or body glitter, when did you put it on - before you got at comp - while there - both etc - anything that you think might help - thanks Kimmy
I shaved (because I get ingrowns with waxing) on the Thursday morning - then applied Contest Colour (4-5 coats), then Body Shimmer then glitter spray over the top. I have heard good things about Dream Tan, but don't know its application methods. Have a look at for more tanning info.
Thanks Liz -have a great weekend - is your next comp in Qld or are you going to the Nationals in Melbourne?
It wasn't a fluke Liz!!! Dont have any doubts that you can't do it again, because you can and you will.
We are 15 weeks out now, and I can tell you, I too am nervous.
But I know that you will be on that stage in October because you have done it before. Your strength and determination will get you through this.
Hang in there.
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